Commercial Insights

Gifts and Deals are on the Holiday Shopping List

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  1. Numerator, “2023 Holiday Preview,” January 19, 2023 Back
  2. Ibid Back
  3. PwC, “Holiday Outlook 2023” Back
  4. Think with Google, “Holiday Shopping Insights: Be Ready for Determined Shoppers,” October 2023 Back
  5. PYMNTS, “BOPIS Grows Basket Size as Most Consumers Buy Extra Items When Picking-Up In-Store,” April 19, 2022 Back
  6. Criterio, “2022 Holiday and Festive Season Commerce Trends: 5 Predictions,” September 1, 2022 Back
  7. FedEx, “2023 e-commerce Trends to Watch,” 2023 Back
  8. Ibid Back