Are your investments outpacing inflation?

When you build an investment strategy for the future, you hope to grow your wealth to help you enjoy life down the road. But inflation can have a significant impact on your savings. If your returns aren't outpacing inflation, you could find your future plans in peril.
The key to managing inflation and its impact on your investments is knowledge. To protect and grow your assets, it helps to first get up to speed on inflation, historic rates, and its real impacts. Then you can learn about common investments than can help hedge against inflation. This will help you start a conversation with your financial advisor about how to protect your wealth.
Inflation: A quick primer
Inflation measures the decline in purchase powering of a particular currency over time. In the U.S. purchasing power is generally measured by looking at the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI measures how much prices for everyday items are increasing on a year-over-year basis.
When the CPI goes up, a dollar buys less than it used to, and the cost of living becomes more expensive. When prices continue to rise, consumers are often reluctant to spend on anything that isn't necessary, which can cause a slowdown in the economy. When the economy slows down, many companies can show decreased sales, lower profits, and lower returns for investors.
The Federal Reserve3 tries to keep inflation around 2% per year. And while it might not seem hard to achieve yields of more than 2%, inflation becomes a formidable opponent when rising prices take a steep chunk out of your returns.
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) can be a solid hedge against inflation. That's because when prices go up, rents tend to go up too.
How inflation impacts investors
If you're an investor who's comfortably retired, you and your financial advisor have probably shifted your investments towards wealth preservation instead of growth. A conservative, income-producing portfolio yielding 5% will still keep you ahead of inflation when inflation rates are the target 2%. But when inflation rises to 6.2%,1 like it did in October 2021, your income-producing portfolio is now effectively losing money.
Even investors with portfolios yielding the average 10% to 11% rate of return of the S&P 500 have to take stock of steep inflation. Once inflation is factored in, those returns dwindle to 3.8% to 4.8% — even less if you have accounts where capital gains taxes are a consideration.
When your investments fail to keep pace with or outpace inflation, you'll burn through your savings at a faster rate and potentially find your lifestyle and financial capabilities hindered.
How hedging helps combat inflation's impacts
There there's no telling whether prices will continue to rise. But there is a strategy that can help you manage inflation's impacts long-term. It's called hedging.
Hedging is investing in asset classes that tend to behave in ways that cushion the impacts of inflationary times. Just as bonds tend to increase their yields when the economy declines, other asset classes can become shock absorbers by bringing returns and delivering income.
While your financial goals and risk tolerance are unique, the asset classes below are commonly used to help investors hedge against inflation. By learning a bit about the "superpowers" of each asset class, you can use that info to start a conversation with your investment advisor.
- U.S. Large Cap Dividend Growth Stocks. Many large U.S.
companies have steady track records of consistent dividend growth.
The income from quarterly dividend payouts can potentially help
offset declines in stock value.
- Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS). It's easy to forget that
the CPI includes rents. So when prices go up, rents tend to go up too.
According to Nariet, a global organization that advocates for REITbased
investments, REIT dividends have out paced inflation6 in all but
two of the past 20 years.
Private Real Estate. In times of inflation, home prices typically rise.
In fact, home prices increased 18.1% year-over-year as of August 2021.4 While the pandemic may have contributed to this increase, in general your properties can increase in value even when the
broader economy stalls. That's because the Fed typically keeps
interest rates low to increase spending during an economic
downturn. This, in turn, keeps mortgages accessible and home sales
flowing. With robust sales, supply remains limited, so prices can
increase even when the economy is otherwise slowing down.
Commodities. According to research published by Vanguard, a 1% rise in inflation would produce a 7% to 9% rise in commodities.5 Commodities can include gold, agricultural products, and natural
gas. You can invest in these through a wide variety of investment
products, such as mutual funds, ETFs, and managed futures.
- Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). Issued by the U.S Treasury, these bonds adjust along with inflation. When inflation goes up, the principal value of TIPS also increases. In theory, this makes it difficult for investors to lose money.
While these aren't the only hedges against inflation, they show the wide array of investments that can help diversify your portfolio and offer upside potential when inflation is on the rise. Of course, diversification does not ensure against loss.
Protecting your wealth
The bottom line for inflation: It can impact your returns today in ways that can impact your quality of life tomorrow. If you have concerns about how inflation may affect your financial goals and whether your investments are outpacing inflation, discuss your options with your investment professional.
It's entirely possible you already have inflation hedges playing their part. But a straightforward conversation with your financial advisor can offer peace of mind — and possibly lead to a more enduring strategy for protecting your wealth in all economies.
Important disclosure information
This content is general in nature and does not constitute legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult with competent legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment professionals based on your specific circumstances. We do not make any warranties as to accuracy or completeness of this information, do not endorse any third-party companies, products, or services described here, and take no liability for your use of this information.
Diversification does not ensure against loss.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Consumer prices increase 6.2 percent for the year ended October 2021," published November 19, 2021, accessed December 7, 2021. Back
- J.B. Maverick, "What Is the Average Annual Return for the S&P 500?" Investopedia, updated May 31, 2021, accessed December 7, 2021. Back
- The Federal Reserve, "Why does the Federal Reserve aim for inflation of 2 percent over the longer run?" accessed December 7, 2021. Back
- Michele Lerner, "The states and regions where home prices rose the most," The Washington Post, published October 27, 2021, accessed December 7, 2021. Back
- Vanguard, "How commodities stand apart as an inflation hedge," published September 7, 2021, accessed December 7, 2021. Back
- Nareit, "REITS and Inflation Protection," accessed December 15, 2021. Back
- Diversification does not ensure against loss. Back
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