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Energy Market Update

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  1. Financial Times, “Saudi Arabia ready to abandon $100 crude target to take back market share”, published September 26, 2024. Accessed October 1, 2024. Back
  2. EIA, “Petroleum and Other Liquids,” https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCSSTUS1&f=M. Accessed October 1, 2024. Back
  3. Goldman Sachs, “Generational Growth: AI, data centers and the coming power demand surge,” published April 28, 2024. Accessed October 1, 2024. Back
  4. Katie Tarasov, “Generative AI requires massive amounts of power and water, and the aging U.S. grid can’t handle the load,” https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/28/how-the-massive-power-draw-of-generative-ai-is-overtaxing-our-grid.html. Published July 28, 2024. Accessed October 1, 2024. Back